Waldon, M.G., P.A. Richards, and E. Smythe, 1999. Lagrangian Water Quality Modeling and TMDL Development in Low-Gradient Streams. 1999 Proceedings, “ASCE-CSCE Environmental Engineering Conference,” Norfolk, July 1999, pp. 563-569. Waldon, M.G., G. McKenna, J.A. Schwieters, and A.C. Eversull, 1986. Water Quality Model of the Vermilion River: Development, Calibration, and Verification. Proc. 3rd Water Quality and Wetlands Conference, New Orleans, October 1986, pages 191-205.
Waldon, M.G. 2000 The need for stakeholder representation in the TMDL process. Seminar presented to the Blue Ridge Chapter of the Certified Hazardous Materials Managers, March 2000. Waldon, M.G., 1999. Surface Water Quality Modeling for Pollution Assessment and TMDL Development. LPDES/NPDES Permitting Workshop, Louisiana Water Environment Association, Baton Rouge, April 1999. Smythe E.D., and M.G. Waldon, 1996. Implementation of TMDL approach in Louisiana. Presented at the annual meeting, Louisiana Section, American Water Resources Association, Protecting Our Watersheds, Estuaries, and Oceans, Gonzales, Louisiana, October 1996. Waldon, M.G., and P.A. Richards, 1991. Water Quality Monitoring and Modeling for Pollution Assessment and Control in Estuarine Waters. Invited presentation, Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program Scientific/Technical Committee, Data Inventory Workshop, Nicholls State University, October 1991. Zahorzak, C.L., H. Newman, M.G. Waldon, 1988. Using a Stream's Full Resources: How to Develop a Flow Variable Industrial Discharge Permit. Presented at the WPCF Annual Conference, Dallas, October 1988. Waldon, M.G., 1987. Computer Model Analysis of Water Quality Improvements Resulting From Low Flow Augmentation of the Vermilion River. Presented at the Louisiana Section, AWRA, Annual Symposium, Computers and Water Resource Management, Baton Rouge, September 1987
Reports Waldon, M. G. (1997). Bayou Plaquemine-Brule TMDL including WLA for Crowley (revised). USL Center for Louisiana Inland Water Studies, prepared for the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, CLIWS-WQR 95.06 Waldon, M. G. (1997). TMDL for Unnamed Canal at Lake Arthur, Louisiana. USL Center for Louisiana Inland Water Studies, prepared for the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, CLIWS-WQR 97.01 Waldon, M. G. and D. Duerr (1993). A Review of Ouachita River Water Quality Model Analyses. USL Center for Louisiana Inland Water Studies, CLIWS-WQR 93.04. Waldon, M. G. (1991). Louisiana Wasteload Allocation Technical Procedures, A Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. EPA Region VI and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality. USL Center for Louisiana Inland Water Studies, CLIWS-WQR 91.16. Waldon, M. G. (1989). Calcasieu Toxics Control Strategy. Louisiana DEQ, #WQR 89.01. Waldon, M. G. (1988). Opelousas- -Bayou Yarbor Wasteload Allocation. Louisiana DEQ, #WLA 88.07. Waldon, M. G. (1988). Calcasieu River Toxic Wasteload Allocation. Louisiana DEQ,#WLA 88.06. Waldon, M. G. (1988). Bogalusa - Bogue Lusa Creek: Total Maximum Daily Load and Wasteload Allocation. Louisiana DEQ, #WLA 88.02. Waldon, M. G. (1988). Calcasieu River Water Quality Model Revision. Louisiana DEQ, #WLA 88.03. Waldon, M. G. (1987). Wasteload Allocation for the Vermilion River. Louisiana DEQ, 1987